Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Japanese Ginger Dressing

We had a wonderful dinner party last night to welcome our great friends Marshall and Darah back to the U.S. from China. Fresh off the plane and en route to San Francisco, they filled us in on their Beijing adventures since we left the smoggy city, future plans, and of course...the Beijing gossip! In the middle of catching up on all of the details, we somehow got on to the subject of salad dressings, to which Darah requested that I send her this yummy recipe.

Japanese Ginger Dressing
(makes 3 cups)

1 cup sesame oil
3/4 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup fresh ginger, minced
2 Tbsp ume plum vinegar
6 Tbsp maple syrup
2 Tbsp water
2 Tbsp white miso
pinch cayenne

Place everything in a blender and blend well. If desired, pour through a strainer to strain the ginger fiber.

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